These are the routes used for providing the data for the
"What's in my neighborhood" application.
"What's in my neighborhood" offers visitors a way to access a wide
variety of environmental information about their community.
MPCA site and activity overview. A site is a location, such as a manufacturing plant or cleanup site, where the MPCA carries out an activity. Activities refer to activities carried out by an organization and the MPCA at a given site. Activities include, but are not limited to, air emission permits, the cleanup of leaks and spills, the disposal of solid waste, and the handling of hazardous waste.
MPCA sites. A site is a location, such as a manufacturing plant or cleanup site, where the MPCA carries out an activity. Sites can be registered, licensed, permitted, or owned by the MPCA. Sites often, but not always, represent facilities. Examples include: food processing plants, construction sites, dental offices, powerplants, landfills, and areas of contaminated soil.
Activities at a MPCA site. Activities refer to activities carried out by an organization and the MPCA at a given site. Activities include, but are not limited to, air emission permits, the cleanup of leaks and spills, the disposal of solid waste, and the handling of hazardous waste.