Summary of monitoring results for stations.
Search parameters:
One or more of the following search parameters need to be specified in order to retrieve data:
stationId |
Yes |
The unique ID of the monitoring station where the sample was taken.
Additional parameters:
The following, optional, parameters may be specified:
format |
The desired return format. Valid formats are: {json, jsonp, text, csv, xls, ods, and tab}. The default is json. |
callback |
The JSONP callback function name (Note that format needs to be "jsonp"). |
fields |
The comma-separated-list of the field names to return from the query. The default is to return all available fields. |
nullValue |
Value to substitute in place of null values. The default is to return null values as "null" (per |
limit |
The number of records to limit the result set to. Behaves like the SQL standard LIMIT clause. |
offset |
Used with Limit-- the record number to start retrieving from. Behaves like the SQL standard OFFSET clause. |
Result Set Definitions:
bod |
Biological/Biochemical Oxygen Demand (milligrams/liter). |
chlorophyllA |
Chlorophyll A (micrograms/liter). |
dissolvedOxygen |
Dissolved Oxygen (milligrams/liter). |
ecoli |
Escherichia coli (#/100 ml). |
fecalColiform |
Fecal Coliform (#/100 ml). |
nitrateNitrite |
Nitrate Nitrite (milligrams/liter). |
pH |
pH |
pheophytinA |
Pheophytin-a (micrograms/liter). |
sampleDate |
The date that the sample was taken. |
sampleTime |
The time that the sample was taken. |
sampleDepth |
The depth that the sample was taken at (meters) |
sampleType |
The type of sample taken {routine, or special}. |
secchi |
Depth at which the Secchi disk can be seen (meters). |
stationId |
The unique ID of the monitoring station where the sample was taken. |
temperature |
Temperature (degrees C). |
totalKjeldahlNitrogen |
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (milligrams/liter). |
totalPhosphorus |
Total Phosphorus (milligrams/liter). |
totalSuspendedSolids |
Total Suspended Solids (milligrams/liter). |
transp |
Transparency Tube (centimeters) |
turbidity |
Turbidity |
Example Queries: