Documentation for "/api/v1/surfacewater/monitoring-stations":

Documentation score: Route: 100% Fields: 100%


Surface water monitoring station data

Search parameters:

One or more of the following search parameters need to be specified in order to retrieve data:
Parameter nameRequiredDescription
dataAfter Stations that have data after this date (in "yyyy-mm-dd" or "dd-mon-yyyy" format).
huc8 The 8-digit hydrological unit code.
specificGeoAreaCode The specific geographical area to search in. (Ref:/api/doc/v1/surfacewater/geographic-areas)
stationContractName Project that is the primary consumer of this station data and who funds the costs to provide this monitoring station. (Ref:/api/doc/v1/surfacewater/monitoring-stations/contracts)
stationId Unique numerical identifier given to this station.
stationType Type of monitoring being conducted. (Ref:/api/doc/v1/surfacewater/monitoring-stations/types)
wid The ID for the water unit.
wuSearchString The name of the water unit to search for.
wuType The water unit type (lake, stream, etc.) (Ref:/api/doc/v1/surfacewater/water-units/types)

Additional parameters:

The following, optional, parameters may be specified:
Parameter nameDescription
format The desired return format. Valid formats are: {json, jsonp, text, csv, xls, ods, and tab}. The default is json.
callback The JSONP callback function name (Note that format needs to be "jsonp").
fields The comma-separated-list of the field names to return from the query. The default is to return all available fields.
nullValue Value to substitute in place of null values. The default is to return null values as "null" (per
limit The number of records to limit the result set to. Behaves like the SQL standard LIMIT clause.
offset Used with Limit-- the record number to start retrieving from. Behaves like the SQL standard OFFSET clause.

Result Set Definitions:

Field nameDescription
agencyName Name of agency who established station.
county The county that the monitoring station is located in.
huc8 The 8-digit hydrological unit code.
lat The latitude of the monitoring station in decimal degrees.
latestYear The latest year that sampling was performed.
long The longitude of the monitoring station in decimal degrees.
organizationId Identifies organizations reporting data, when more than one org uses the same location.
resultCount The number of sampling results for the station.
sampleCount The number of sampling events for the station.
startYear The year that the station was established.
stationId Unique numerical identifier given to this station.
stationName Narrative name given to station.
stationType Type of monitoring being conducted.
stationUrl Web link to station information.
wid The ID for the water unit.
wuDisplayName The "display" name for the water unit-- combination of waterbody name and location description.
wuType The water unit type (lake, stream, etc.)

Example Queries: